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Terms & Conditions:

Any services or information provided by Sacred Passage Healing are not intended to replace professional medical treatment.

Always consult with a licensed medical doctor and/or therapist if you have a health concern. Sacred Passage Healing is not licensed to prescribe medications or diagnose and treat conditions. Reiki is a safe and non-invasive complimentary therapy used for relaxation and is not intended to replace professional medical treatment or interfere with advice from a licensed medical doctor and/or therapist.

Rather than predicting a future that is set in stone, Tarot helps to uncover a possible future or outcome based on the current energy you are holding – The power is always in your hands and any possible future outcome will be determined by your actions in the present. Tarot is meant to be uplifting and supportive; encouraging you to self reflect and tap into your own intuition when making decisions. Ash reads from a lens of self-empowerment. Her reading style helps you to see the bigger picture by interpreting the symbolism and intuitive messages from the images and storylines played out within the reading and cards. She does does not make predictions or persuade or influence your judgement and free will.

Sacred Passage Healing doesΒ not assume any responsibility for those who choose to use any information provided by the company, this website, or receive any of the services offered. Personal experiences vary and specific results are not a guarantee. Most importantly, Sacred Passage Healing aims to treat everyone equally with the utmost respect & care.

Payment & Cancellation Policy

NO REFUNDS (unless Full 24 Hours Notice is provided for cancellations & rescheduling).
Full payment is due before the scheduled date of service.